воскресенье, 24 февраля 2013 г.

Task for Yetkin Tatyana

1. Make the dictionary to the text.
2. Find  illustrations to the text.
3. Find  video to the text.

briefing-['bri:fig]-сущ.-краткое заседание с обсуждением основных вопросов дела
acquaint-[a'kweint]-гл.-знакомить с кем-либо,чем-либо
equipped -[ek'upt]-прилаг.-оборудованный
handkerchiefs-['hendkerci:f]-сущ. -носовой платок
staff prior-['sta:f pra'ir,]-бывший персонал
upward communication -[ap:wa'rd ca:munika'tion]-поднимающаяся (в процессе общения)информация
to clarify doubts-[to kla'ri:fi dau'ps,]-быть неясным

Briefing is a meeting of the restaurant staff prior to the opening of the restaurant, while de-briefing is done when the restaurant closes.
In these sessions the senior-most member of the restaurant gives his instructions, checks on certain aspects of service and receives sugges­tions or problems of the staff. There are certain points that each waiter should keep in mind before presenting himself for briefing.
The waiter should:
Acquaint himself with the non-available food and beverage items listed on the menu by asking the Chef or referring to the 'non-available items' board.
Know the dujour soup and main dish in order to push it to the customers.
Be equipped with clean handkerchiefs, clean waiter clothes, bottle-openers, match box and pen.

Be fully conversant with the menu card and the beverage list of the day.
The Restaurant In-charge would normally check whether the waiter has satisfied the above points but in addition would explain new house rules or policies to his staff and encourage an upward com­munication from the staff in terms of suggestions and problems. The waiter should be prepared to clarify doubts or give suggestions and usk questions. This is an opportunity to give the staff some training inputs.
The trainer must reinforce the above points when the waiters actually go into service.


grooming-['gru:mi'ng]-готовить к определённой должности,к карьере
shave-[sheiv]-гл.-коротко стричь волосы
beard -[bied]-сущ.-борода
proximity-[proksi:moti]-сущ.-близкое расстояние
hazardous -['haezedes]-прилаг.-опасный
flat -['fla:t]-сущ.-поверхность
solicit -[so'lisid]-навязывать
overhead -[o'uvehed]-гл.-надземный
subsequent-['sabsikwent]-гл.-являющийся результатом чего-либо
lapse-[laeps]-промежуток времени

Grooming is one of the most important features of a waiter.

Since he is in direct contact with the guests of the restaurant, he projects the standards of the establishment.

A well-groomed waiter represents qualities such as hygiene, sanitation, professionalism and the style of management of his establishment

There are some tips for a waiter:
1. Hair should be cut close.
2. The uniform should be spotless and well ironed.
3. A tight or oversized uniform gives a sloppy appearance.
4. Nails should be well manicured and hands absolutely clean. This is important especially since the waiter serves the guest with his hands and is under constant surveillance.
5. Guard against body odors or the smell of cheap perfumes.
6. Shoes should always be polished, and of a conservative style.
7. A close shave is necessary before entering the restaurant. Stubbles of a beard or moustache could look uncomely.
7. Bad breath could be nauseating to a guest since the waiter speaks to the guest at close proximity.
The apron and hairband should always be clean.
High heels could be hazardous during service.
Flat shoes with sturdy heels are advisable. 
Stockings should be clean. 
Light make-up to project a professional working lady's image is preferred.
jewellery should be avoided.
A very strong perfume could nauseate a guest.
A fresh light cologne would be preferable.
Solicit the trainee’s ideas on the qualities of a good waiter and list on the blackboard or overhead projector. Their ideas should be checked with the points given above.

Follow up learning on subsequent days by pointing out lapses in grooming

понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

               A restaurant is a commercial establishment committed to the sale of food and beverage. A restaurant may be a licensed part of a hotel operation, whereby the sales of the restaurant contribute to the sales performance of the hotel as a whole.Restaurants may also be in­dependent business entities under individual ownership and manage­ment. Basically, restaurants provide tables and chairs for people to sit and eat food prepared by an attached kitchen. They are equipped with crockery, cutlery and linen which may vary in quality according to the standard of the restaurant, which is determined by its decor, independent bar, entertainment facilities and above all, the quality of service.
               There are different types of restaurants.
     Coffee Shop

A concept borrowed from the United States, distinguished by its quick service. Food is pre-plated and the atmosphere informal. Table cover layouts are less elaborate and have basic essentials only.
Continental Restaurant 
The atmosphere is more sophisticated and caters for people who can eat at leisure. The accent is on good continental food and elaborate service.
Specialty Restaurant
The entire atmosphere and decor are geared to a particular type of food or theme. Thus restaurants which offer Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Polynesian cuisine would be termed "specialty restaurants". The service is based more or less on the style of the country from which the particular cuisine originates.
    Grill Room
Various meat cuts are grilled or roasted here. Normally, a grill room has a glass partition between the restaurant and the kitchen, so that the guest can choose his meat cut and see the actual preparation."!
  Dining Room in a Hotel
 Found in smaller hotels, motels or inns who find it uneconomical to have more than one eating place. The dining room is basically  meant for the residents of the hotel but may be open to non residents also.
Snack Bars/Cafe/Milk Bars
Here the restaurant is informal and the service quick. The snack bar may have a counter for self service and specializes in snacks, soda fountain specialties, ice-creams, etc. The decor is relatively inexpensive.
A restaurant which is principally meant for dancing to recorded music. A live band may also perform. An essential part of a discothe­que is a bar while the food offered consists mainly of snacks.
Night Club
It is principally open at night for dinner, dance and cabarets. A dis­pensing bar is always provided. Decor is lavish while service is elabo­rate. A live band is important to the set-up.
Most establishments insist on formal wear so as to enhance the atmosphere.
The above is broad information on the types of restaurants. What the waiter needs to know is the type of restaurant he will work in and the facilities and services that it provides.