воскресенье, 3 февраля 2013 г.

Beverage Service

Beverages can be classified as follows:
(a)  Water
(b)  Refreshing drinks—colas, lemonades
(c)  Stimulants—coffee, tea
(d)  Nourishing drinks—malted beverages (Ovaltine,  Horlicks, Bournvita) milkshakes, fruit juices.

Wines, Liqueurs, Spirits, Beers, Cocktails.

Here are some standard practices for the service of beverages.Note: All beverages are served from the right.
(a) Water goblets should be kept on the right at the tip of the large knife(b) Water is served from the right after the guest has taken his seat(c) Water is served from a jug with a folded waiter-cloth under it to prevent it from spilling on to the table(d) Water should be filled 3/4* below the rim of the glass(e) Water should always be chilled, unless the guest asks for water at normal temperature(f) The water jug should be covered with a folded waiter-cloth when kept on the sideboard.Refreshing Drinks(a) Aerated drinks like coca cola, lemonade, etc. are served in hi-ball glasses(b) Tall drinks, such as floats, shakes and house cocktails are served in Tom Collins(c) Certain tall drinks require long spoons which must be presented on quarter plates with a doily paper on it.

Stimulants and Nourishing Drinks
These beverages are served in a cup and saucer with a teaspoon. If only a beverage is to be served the cup and saucer are placed in front of the guest; otherwise, to the right of the cover. The beverage is poured into the cup and also the milk or cream (as per the guest’s requirement) and both the pot and the creamer are left on the table to the right of the cover. A tea napkin or a paper napkin is wrapped around the hot handle of the pot so that the guests do not burn their fingers while serving themselves.

Straight drinks are served in a glass with the peg/s required and placed on the table on a coaster and any accompaniment like soda water or tonic is poured into the glass in front of the guest. In the case of beer, the bottle is left on the table, if there is any beer left in the bottle after pouring the first mug-full of beer.


Wine is the juice of freshly gathered grapes, grown in the open and fermented according to local custom and tradition without the addition of any foreign substance or ingredient. This juice is fermented, matured and aged over years to give it mellowness. It has an alcoholic content of 16%. There are four types of wine:

1. Table: Red, White and Rosé. There are further categorized into Still, Natural, Sweet and Dry.

2. Fortified: Brandy, Port and Sherry.
3. Sparkling: Champagne
4. Aromated: Vermouth, Quinine Wines.
Traditionally red wines are served with red meats such as beef, lamb, etc. white wines meats such as chicken, game bird and fish. Champagne is drunk at the end of a meal. However, nowadays, a guest may have any type of wine ay any point of the meal.

Procedure of Serving Table Wine
Once the wine is ordered, it has to be requisitioned from the wine store.

Without cleaning the bottle the wine bottle is presented to the host for approval from his right, with the label facing him.

White wine glasses are placed just below the water goblet to the right. Red wines 

Place the corkscrew with the cork on a side plate of the guest for the host to approve. The cork should be wet and firm.
Wipe the bottle mouth and inner neck with a clean cloth.
Wrap the bottle with a clean napkin and pour a little into the host’s glass for him to taste and approve. After the host has approved, change his glass with a frash one, then proceed to serve the guests clockwise (ladies first and host last). While pooring the wine observe the following rules:
1. Pour the wine gently without making contact between the mouth of the bottle and the rim of the glass.
2. Only three-fourth of the glass should be fillean ice bucket to the right of the host and cover the mouth of the bottle with a clean napkin. 
In the case of red wine, place it straight on the table with a napkin folded around or in a red wine basket. Refill the glasses as and when they become empty. 

Wipe the bottle mouth and inner neck with a clean cloth.

Wrap the bottle with a clean napkin and pour a little into the host’s glass for him to taste and approve. After the host has approved, change his glass with a frash one, then proceed to serve the guests clockwise (ladies first and host last). While pooring the wine observe the following rules:

1. Pour the wine gently without making contact between the mouth of the bottle and the rim of the glass.

2. Only three-fourth of the glass should be fillean ice bucket to the right of the host and cover the mouth of the bottle with a clean napkin. 
In the case of red wine, place it straight on the table with a napkin folded around or in a red wine basket. Refill the glasses as and when they become empty. 

Dictionary to the text:

prevent [prɪˈvent] v.-  предотвраща́ть
fill [fɪl]v.- наполня́ть
refreshing [rɪˈfreſɪŋ] adj.- освежа́ющий
stimulant [stɪmjʊlənt] n- стимули́рующее сре́дство
spirit [spɪrɪt] n.- спиртно́й напи́ток
jug [dʒʌɡ] n.кувши́н
fold [fəʊld] v.- скла́дывать, сложи́ть
spill [spɪl] v.- пролива́ть
rim [rɪm] n.- край
chill [tſɪl] v.- охлажда́ть
sideboard ['saɪdbɔːd] n. -буфет
aerated [eə'reɪtɪd] adj.- газированный, шипучий
float [fləut] n.- поплавок
doily ['dɔɪlɪ] n.-салфеточка

saucer [ˈsɔːsə(r)] n. -блю́дце
otherwise [ʌðəwaɪz] adv.-ина́че, по-друго́му, други́м спо́собом
pour [pɔː(r)] v.- лить , налива́ть
wrap [ræp] n.- плато́к; v. (wrapped, wrapping)-завора́чивать
handle [ˈhænd(ə)l] n.ру́чка

pot [pɒt] n.- горшо́к
peg [peɡ] n.прище́пка, ве́шалка, крючо́к
coaster [ˈkəʊstə(r)] n.- подно́с, подста́вка.
accompaniment [əˈkʌmpənɪmənt] n.-сопровожде́ние, аккомпанеме́нт
mugful ['mʌgful] adj.- полная кружка (чего-л.)
gather ['gæðə]  v.- собирать 
fermenter [fɛʀmɑ̃te]v.- бродить, ферментировать
addition [əˈdɪſ(ə)n] n.-прибавле́ние
substance [ˈsʌbst(ə)ns] n.-вещество́
ingredient [ɪnˈɡriːdɪənt] n.- компоне́нт; ингредие́нт

mature [məˈtjʊə(r)] v.-созрева́ть
mellowness ['meləunəs] n.- выдержанность(о вине), спелость
categorize [ˈkætɪɡəraɪz] v.- распределя́ть
fortified ['fɔːtɪfaɪd] adj. креплённый
port [pɔːt] n. - (wine) портве́йн
sherry [ˈſerɪ] n.- хе́рес
vermouth ['vɜːməθ] n.  вермут
beef [biːf] n.- говя́дина.
lamb [læm] n. - баранина
game eɪm] n.-дичь
requisition [rekwɪˈzɪſ(ə)n] v.- реквизи́ровать 
host [həʊst]  v.- организова́ть 
approval [əˈpruːv(ə)l] n. - oдобре́ние
facing ['feɪsɪŋ] n.- отделка
corkscrew ['kɔːkskruː] n.- штопор
wipe [waɪp] v.- вытира́ть, вы́тереть
clockwise klɒkwaɪz] adj. & adv.- (дви́жущийся) по часово́й стре́лке
gently dʒentlɪ] adv. - мя́гко, осторожно
refill [riːˈfɪl] v.- наполня́ть вновь
appropriate [əˈprəʊprɪət] adj. - соотве́тствующий

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