воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Task Fomenko Victoria

1. Make the dictionary to the text.
2. Find  illustrations to the text.
3. Find  video to the text.
Lesson 11
Food Service 
There are some basic principles in food and beverage service that a waiter must know:
When food is served by the waiter at the table from a platter onto a guest plate,    the
service is done from the left.
When food is pre-plated the service to the guest is usually done from the right, though
modern convention permits service from the left also.
All beverages are served from the right.
Soups are served from the right unless it is poured by a waiter from a large tureen into a soup cup in which case it is done from the left of the guest.
Ladies are always served first and the remaining guests clockwise.
Soiled plates should always be cleared from the table from the right.
Empty crockery and fresh cutlery are always served from the right. Never reach across a customer. Hence, when a guest is present at the table, all items and equipment on the
right of guest must be placed from the right and that on the left from the left.


English Service

Often referred to as the "Host Service" because the host plays an active role in the service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to the host for approval. The waiter then places the platters on the table. The host either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter.

French Service

It is a very personalised service. Food is brought from the kitchen in dishes and salvers which are placed directly on the table. The plates are kept near the dish and the guests help themselves.

Silver Service

The table is set for hors d'oeuvres, soup, main courses and sweet dish in sterling silverware. The food is portioned into silver platters at the kitchen itself which are placed at the sideboard with burners or hot plates to keep the food warm in the restaurant. Plates are placed before the guest. The waiter then picks the platter from the hot plate and presents the dish to the host for approval. He serves each guest using a service spoon and fork. All food is presented in silver dishes with elaborate dressing.

American service

The American service is a pre-plated service which means that the food is served into the guest's plate in the kitchen itself and brought to the guest. The portion is predetermined by the kitchen and the accompaniments served with the dish balance the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and colour. This type of service is commonly used in a coffee shop where service is required to be fast.

Cafeteria service
This service exists normally in industrial canteens, colleges, hospitals or hotel cafeterias. To facilitate quick service, the menu is fixed and is displayed on large boards. The guest may have to buy coupons in advance, present them to the counter waiter who then serves the desired item. Sometimes food is displayed behind the counter and the guests may indicate their choice to the counter attendant. The food is served pre-plated and the cutlery is handed directly to the guest. Guests may then sit at tables and chairs provided by the esta­blishment. Sometimes high tables are provided where guests can stand and eat.

Counter Service
(Snack-bar Service)

Tall stools are placed along a counter so that the guest may eat the food at the counter itself. In better establishments, the covers are layed out on the counter itself. Food is either displayed behind the counter for the guests to choose from, or is listed on a menu card or common black board.

Grill room service

In this form of service various meats are grilled in front of the guest. The meats may be displayed behind a glass partition or well- decorated counter so that the guest can select his exact cut of meat. The food comes pre-plated.

Room service

 It implies serving of food and beverage in guest rooms of hotels. Small orders are served in trays. Major meals are taken to the room on trollies. The guest places his order with the room service order- taker. The waiter receives the order and transmits the same to the kitchen. In the meanwhile he prepares his tray or trolley. He then goes to the cashier to have a cheque prepared to take along with the food order for the guests signature or payment. Usually clearance of soiled dishes from the room is done after half an hour or an hour. However, the guest can telephone Room Service for the clearance as and when he has finished with the meal.

 There are two types of Room Service:

Here all the food orders are processed from the main kitchen and sent to the rooms by a common team of waiters.
Each floor or a set of floor may have separate pantries to service them. Orders are taken at a central point by order-takers who in turn convey the order to the respective pantry.
        Mobile Pantries:
Some hotels have pantries installed in service ele­vators. Orders are received by a central point who convey it to the mobile pantry. The pantry has to just switch on th& floor and give instant service.
For the sake of information, in countries which have a shortage of manpower, large hotels install mechanised despensing units in rooms. The guest inserts the necessary value of coins into the machine which will eject pre-prepared food and beverages for guest consumption.

Buffet Service

A self-service where food is displayed on tables. The guest takes his plate from a stack at the end of each table or requests the waiter behind the buffet table to serve him.
For sit-down buffet service, tables are laid with crockery and cutlery as in a restaurant. The guest may serve himself at the buffet table and return to eat at the guest table laid out. A few courses like the appetiser and soup, may be served at the table by the waiter.

Russian Service

An elaborate silver service much on the lines of french service except that the food is portioned and carved by the waiter at the gueridon trolley in the restaurant in full view of the guests. Display and presen­tation are a major part of this service. The principle involved is to have whole joints, poultry, game and fish elaborately dressed and garnished, presented to guests and carved and portioned by the waiter.

Gueridon Service

This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a complete meal is cooked at the table-side in the restaurant. The cook­ing is done on a gueridon trolley which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder and burners. The waiter plays a prominent part as he is required to fillet, carve, flambe and prepare the food with showman­ship. The waiter has to have considerable dexterity and skill.
Training Methodology
Role play the actual service using trainees as 'guests'.
Show trainees the gueridon trolley and explain each aspect of  it.
Training Aids
Tables, chairs, linen, glassware, tableware, chinaware to demonstrate layouts and practices of service. Actual food service would be ideal. Gueridon trolley for gueridon service.

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